Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

Exam Season - BOUNDARIES

Episode 2 in this 8 week special on Exam Season talking all things exams and how to better support yourself and your teen daughter before, during and after exams.

This week I am following on from last week’s episode on revision by focusing on boundaries and how helping your teen daughter to understand what is expected of them as well as what they can expect of themselves, so that they can then manage their time.

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

Exam Season - REVISION

This week and for the next 8 weeks, I talk about how you can support your teen daughter during the exam season.

Now don't get too excited there, but these next few blogs are to support you so that you are better equipped to manage your teenage daughter's behaviors.

I'm gonna put eight weeks aside to lead you through this step by step so that you have the tools in in your pocke, and have that general feeling of aha rather than gritting your teeth the whole way through and wishing it was really over.

This week I am starting with revision and how being aware of how much time is available in your daughter’s day, helps her and you to take pressure off yourselves.

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

Making the Internet a Safer Space for All

In this blog I talk about screen use being as deadly as other addictions.

We all know that social media has its good points but did you know why it has such an adverse reaction on our teen daughters?

Read on for these and other simple tools to help you manage screen time in your house.

Keep reading for 4 tips to managing internet usage in your house, or listen in to the podcast episode below

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

How Cyclical tracking helps you to support your daughter

In this blog I talk about tracking yours and your daughter’s menstrual cycle.

When we know what our cycles are doing, we are better able to manage our energy.

Being aware of what’s happening for our teen daughters, makes it far easier to recognise the symptoms and not put extra pressure on her..

Simple eh?

Read on for 4 simple tools that help you..

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

4 Tips to Making Internet Boundaries

In this blog I talk about how to support your teen daughter with the internet..and no I’m not talking about screen time limits, I’m talking about the art of negotiation and being aware of how the internet can negatively affect our teen girls.

Find out 4 tips to making internet boundaries so you can support your teen daughter in this ever advancing technological world.

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