Learning to thrive together

Hi, I’m Rachel (she/her)

I help you to understand the four keys of building a better relationship with your teen daughter so you can reconnect.

I’m here to help you go from feeling overwhelmed to feeling calm and confident bringing up your daughter your way.

I support you to

connect daily with your daughter at a level you both understand

understand why she is kicking off and how to regain trust in the situation

reclaim your confidence as her Mum

become an expert in your daughter

and…lastly…to thrive in your relationship so you can carry it into adulthood

I know this because I was you…I started this work because I desperately needed it

I help you regain that ‘all elusive’ balance, reduce the aargh moments and increase the ahh moments.

By recognising what’s going on for your teenage daughter, from how her brain evolves and develops, her developmental stage, what’s happening for her, you can start to rebuild your relationship.

I bring awareness to old recurring patterns that have you reaching for the ‘megaphone’ as a way to reduce the behaviours which more often than not, do not work. I help you to replace these patterns with new tools that keep you and your daughter safe when her behaviour escalates. I help you to understand how her behaviours relate to what’s happening for you and how mirroring can calm or escalate their behaviours without you even knowing.

By working in partnership I empower you to have the best possible outcome so you can take back control of your life, connect to who you truly are and be comfortable parenting your daughter, your way

Not only does using these tools improve your confidence, self-esteem and connection, but it also gives you inner strength, tolerance and patience, to support your teen daughter when needed.

With over 25 years of experience working in therapeutic settings, including 6 years in the NHS supporting babies, children, teens and their families, I now share my insight, learnings and experience from my own journey through 1:1 mentoring, a community membership, 1:2 programme and two podcasts - one for teens and one for you.

  • Rest

  • Rebalance

  • Rejuvenate

  • Retreat

As a Mum of a teenage girl, I would spend days thinking there was something wrong with me as I just couldn’t get through to my daughter. People would tell me that I needed to be tougher, spend less time with her, discipline her but none of it worked. In fact it actually made me feel far worse as her Mum.

I knew there had to be a different way, where we could learn together to develop our relationship in the best way possible, without resorting to the traditional realms of discipline and punishments.

Before having my daughter I worked with sick teenagers in hospital and knew that connection, trust and bond existed if you spent the time and energy getting to know the real them. That was my lightbulb moment - that’s the way forwards out of this mess.

As a teen I self harmed as a result of sexual abuse and it is for this reason that I want to give our teen girls a voice so they don’t have to go through the same sh!t as I did.

I have built the brands of Teen Whisperer, Shine and The Ripple Effect from nothing, nada, zilch, nowt. I learnt on the job (so to speak) and knew that there had to be something better, far far better than I had ever thought possible. I wanted to get rid of the massive kickoffs where I would get hurt, the belittling thoughts flying round my head, the constant unsureness of will she, won’t she explode, the loathing of spending any time together…I wanted it all to change..

Connect with me and we can talk x


Things I love…


☔️ Standing in the rain listening to it lash down on my head - the wetter, the better! I have also been known to dance around in the pouring rain in Switzerland singing ‘I’m dancing in the rain.’

🥗 I love most foods as long as I haven’t had to cook it, but don’t eat much meat as I just don’t like the taste of it.

🌲 In my time off, you’ll find me out exploring in nature finding new paths to walk in Cumbria with my dog Maisie.

📖 My favourite ways to relax - reading a book, snuggling in front of the fire and connecting with others.

Ways we can work together

Learn the ways in which I can help support you on your journey. Come and join me so you can be the best version of yourself.

Alternatively if you could like to discuss what option is best for you, connect with me and we can talk.

What my clients say…

  • I felt held and heard

    “Rachel’s unhurried manner meant that I was given as much time as possible to process before taking the next step. I felt held and heard by Rachel from the moment of our first conversation. Thank you Rachel! You’ve been my rock and confidante.”

    - CS, 1:1 client

  • Working in partnership helps with recovery

    “After each session, Rachel shows you some stretches and acupressure exercises so that you can ease your pain levels between sessions. By working in partnership with Rachel it really helps with your recovery out of chronic pain.”

    - Jing massage client

  • Rachel made me feel at ease

    “I knew I could put myself first as Rachel made me feel at ease and relaxed.”

    - JC, 1:1 client

  • I am connecting to my teen daughter

    “I am connecting to my teen daughter in ways I never thought possible…”

    - RF, 1:1 client

  • Truly enlightening

    “Rachel’s mentoring has been truly enlightening and goes so much deeper...”

    - SW, 1:1 client

Come and say hi on Instagram…