SHINE for Teen Girls

Helping teen girls to understand what’s happening and why, so they can thrive not just survive

Shine is different…

Mums..what if as a teen girl you had…?

  • felt calm and connected to who you were so you could make decisions that felt good for you

  • felt safe to use your voice in the knowledge that you wouldn’t be belittled, put down or ignored

  • recognised that how you felt was totally normal

  • learnt everything there was to know about being you so you knew you weren’t weird or stupid

  • understood that looking after yourself wasn’t selfish

  • a community of like minded friends around you so you could just be yourself

How would that have made you feel?

It would have felt great right?

That’s our dream for your daughter (and we think it might be your dream too).

Our mission with SHINE is:

  • to surround her with other kind, courageous teens who have got her back whatever happens

  • for her to feel safe in asking whatever questions are on her mind

  • for her to believe in her own self worth whatever is going on in her life

  • for her to be SEEN, HEARD & VALUED

  • to give her a chance to SHINE in her brightest light

Ways to Work with Me

  • Glow

    An In Person Support Group for Teen Girls

  • Radiance

    1:1 Sessions for Girls to go from Crisis to Confidence

“Just knowing you’re not alone with

your worries is so empowering.”

Feedback from previous programmes

  • “I loved it, the tools are really useful and can help me to cope better.”

  • “I enjoyed all of it, there was nothing I didn’t like.”

  • “I felt calmer and less stressed after the workshop.”

  • “It was great, just knowing you’re not alone with your worries is so empowering.”

  • “Using Menti showed me that we all have similar worries/stresses so you feel more at ease.”


Verb - to send out or to reflect light

Noun - the quality of being bright from reflected light”

— Cambridge Dictionary

Hi! We’re Rach & Nic; a Mum and Daughter Duo who are the brains behind this important work

Rach Friedli
The Wisdom behind the SHINE Programme

Nic Friedli
Big Sister & Fellow Teen Girl