The Teen Whisperer

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Exam Season - BOUNDARIES

An egg timer in the sand

Episode 2 in this 8 week special on Exam Season talking all things exams and how to better support yourself and your teen daughter before, during and after exams.

This week I am following on from last week’s episode on revision by focusing on boundaries and how helping your teen daughter to understand what is expected of them as well as what they can expect of themselves, so that they can then manage their time.

Keep reading for a few quick tools or listen to the full podcast episode below

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Simple tools

Following on from last week’s task to plan your daughter’s week with her prior commitments on a large piece of paper, now sit down with them and plan in their revision

For a maximum 90 mins in one sitting - if any more their brains go into fight or flight and they start faffing and distracting themselves

Have a regular break after each 90 minutes for 30 minutes at a time - our brains cannot cope if they are always on

Set regular downtime slots in their day as time out - to connect with friends via their screens

to meet with others

time out to just ‘be’ and relax

time out in nature

time out to exercise with others

time to eat and connect with you

Set a beginning and an end time in their day to STOP revising

If our teens do not have the downtime as above, their brains are on the go constantly and can’t turn off which results in overthinking, overwhelm, insomnia, difficulty in sleeping, anxiety. It then becomes a vicious circle, so we need to break that cycle now before the brain goes into fight or flight.

If you can plan these activities in now, it allows your daughter to manage her time and revision without overdoing it. She will still take the information in but it’ll be in bite sized chunks that she can manage.

Have two of these timetables, schedules, plans - call it what you will; one in her room and one downstairs so that you all know what is going on at any given time.

Trust her with her phone; her phone is her connection to her friends and if she knows she has regular time out for communicating with them, then it becomes less of a distraction and more of a connection tool.

Chinese Proverb:

I hear, I forget

I see, I remember

I do, I understand

By making things more obvious and seeing that she has a daily plan, it reduces anxiety and overwhelm.

Next week I’ll talk more about episode 3 of the 8 week exam season

Just a wee reminder that the community membership space is open for you to come and join, check out the library of resources in the membership space below by following the link below. It’s a fortnightly online call throughout the year; one on a topic of the 4 keys to Connect with your Teenage Daughter using the Disconnect to Connection roadmap and one as an open mic for whatever is going on for you with your teenage daughter right now. It’s about building a community for you and other like minded Mums, who want to explore different ways to connects tis their teen daughters, together.

If you’re interested in finding out more, and want to connect, DM on instagram at tee.whisperer.nature or check out my website or click on the link below.

Alternatively if you would like to work with me either on a 1:1, with your teen daughter or as part of the community membership, check out all details via my website or click on one of the links below.

Take care

Rach x

Let’s build a community of like minded Mums, imperfectly parenting together

If you would like to find out more, check out my website

Vox me on Voxer (a walkie talkie app)

I’m on Instagram at teen.whisperer.nature

I’m also opening a slot in my diary for a Teen Whisperer 90mins Power Call where you can tell me what’s happening for your teenage daughter so click the link and book in

If you would love to reconnect with your teen daughter and have the relationship you’ve always dreamt of, check out my work - all based on the Disconnection to Connection roadmap to building a deeper relationship.

Teen Whisperer Community

New Retreat for Mums

The Ripple Effect Joint Programme with your Teen Daughter

Teen Whisperer Individual Mentoring

Feel free to get in touch or book in a call to talk more.

I look forward to connecting with you and working with you, take care Rachel x

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