The Teen Whisperer

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Who fancies some time out for themselves?

Ginger cat laying in a bed fast asleep with their head turned towards the camera

This week it is half term in the majority of the UK and hopefully you’re having some time relaxing.

How’s your half term going? Is your teen daughter revising or is she relaxing and taking time out for herself?

On that note I hope you are able to take some time out for yourself too and have been able to do more for YOU in this week.

So I had a Teen Whisperer coaching client and she has got me thinking 💭

As you know I’ve been planning a retreat for the past few weeks.. but what if this retreat was just for YOU as a Mum of a teen daughter, rather that with your teen daughter?

All of my work is based on the Disconnection to Connection roadmap - 4 simple steps - to building a relationship based on trust and respect, with your teen daughter, so it makes sense for the first retreat to be based on YOU - the first step.

You can be yourself, connect in to what you want and put your needs first ALL weekend..

Listen to the full episode below or if you prefer to read, carry on going to the exciting news at the end..

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In this episode I introduce you to to a simple visualisation where you are at the retreat with me and other Mums.

How would you feel about having a weekend away on your own to connect with other like minded Mums?

Hands up if you have had a weekend away on your own since your daughter was born?

Erm…no one? Nope not even me… and this is the reason why I have made this first retreat all about YOU.

This will be a meeting of like minded Mums who want to thrive in their relationships with their teen daughters, who want to:

  • know how to manage their energy cycles

  • be aware of their ups and down throughout the month

  • know what makes them tick

  • connect with other Mums

  • chill out, relax, rest and calm with others

  • experience being a woman, not a Mum or even a partner

So if you want to join me, get connecting with me as I really believe that this is the way to go for Mums of teen girls who want to do things differently, but not be on their own, who want support around them who will be there when times are hard.

On that note my Teen Whisperer Community membership is also OPEN - an online space for you to connect with other Mums - to share the difficult times and celebrate wins together. It will be a learning space as well as a chance to share insights and wisdom so we can negotiate all that the teenage years have to throw at us.

For us to support our teen daughters to the best of our ability, we need to connect in to ourselves first and foremost. If you know who you are and what you want out of your life, then you are better able to manage your emotions, energy and support yourself to put yourself first. Only then will you have the headspace to focus on your teen daughter. Without you putting putting the really important step in of YOU, the rest won’t come to fruition.

Yes you can do the rest - learning about how to communicate better, learning about understanding the teenage brain, finding out what’s going on in the teenage girls brain, their psychological development, energy cycles.

If you understand all of that, all well and god BUT if you don’t put yourself first, the your teen daughter doesn’t see you doing what you’re asking her to do, then none of it is going to make sense for her and her behaviours are going to escalate and arguments will get far worse.

You’ll be constantly at loggerheads and that’s not a good place to be, for us or our teenage daughters. I’ve been on the receiving end of those red mist rages and they’re not nice.

Just imagine being in a space - the retreat is going to be held in the Borrowdale Valley in the Lake District - which is one of the most magical, serene, beautiful, stunning scenery available. You arrive on the Friday and you leave on the Sunday afternoon.

You’re with other women, you can connect to yourself, you have time for yourself, you have time to speak with other Mums, you have time for activities.

Just imagine it for a moment - close your eyes and do the visualisation as in the podcast above at 05:44 - where you are at the retreat with other like minded Mums.

If you haven’t got the time right now, come back to it when you’re able. Come and connect with me in this visualisation where you can ‘be’ in the space with other Mums.

You can do this, we can do this as Mums - be in the same space together - on this weekend retreat for you as a Mum of a teen daughter. We can support one another and I will be there to guide and support you for as little or as much as you want or need.

At the end of the day, this is your retreat - a space where you can get together with other Mums - who want to thrive in their relationships with their teen daughter.

If you want to join me in this retreat, keep reading, as all the details and the link are below.

The retreat is now on the 9th-11th June in the wonderful Borrowdale Valley in the Lake District, and initially is just for Mums of Teen Girls.

It’s based on the Disconnect to Connection roadmap - 4 simple steps - to building a relationship based on trust and resect, with your teen daughter. The first step is to connect in with YOU, as a woman, not just as a Mum of teen girl.

It’s a weekend of nourishment, to relax and chill without the distractions at home. You go home relaxed and recuperated and ready to use the tools throughout your day to day lives.

If you’re interested in finding out more, check out my website or click on the link below.

Alternatively if you would like to work with me either on a 1:1, with your teen daughter or as part of the community membership, check out all details via my website or click on one of the links below.

Take care

Rachel x

Let’s build a community of like minded Mums, imperfectly parenting together

If you would like to find out more, check out my website

Vox me on Voxer (a walkie talkie app)

I’m on Instagram at teen.whisperer.nature

I’m also opening a slot in my diary for a Teen Whisperer 90mins Power Call where you can tell me what’s happening for your teenage daughter so click the link and book in

If you would love to reconnect with your teen daughter and have the relationship you’ve always dreamt of, check out my work - all based on the Disconnection to Connection roadmap to building a deeper relationship.

Teen Whisperer Community

New Retreat for Mums

The Ripple Effect Joint Programme with your Teen Daughter

Teen Whisperer Individual Mentoring

Feel free to get in touch or book in a call to talk more.

I look forward to connecting with you and working with you, take care Rachel x

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