Setting intentions for the New Year

Welcome to a new year and a new season. I am so excited where this year is going to take us as Mums of teen girls (and by the way when I say teen girls, I mean those that are born female).

I want to get the message out as far and wide as possible..that you CAN thrive in your relationship with your teen daughter.

New Year Intentions vs New Year resolutions and why they don’t work…

Resolutions are plans we make for things to change outside of ourselves like wanting to lose 4 stone but not how or why and this is why they don’t work. Plus it’s post Christmas, the weather is gloomy and dark and you feel crap. Resolutions become that stick to beat yourself around the head with, a stick to belittle yourself with, not something that inspires you to make a change. Society shames us if we haven’t stuck to our resolutions for the new year; maybe we made them too big or unachievable at this time of year.

Intentions on the other hand, allow you to be compassionate with yourself and be in the here and now. That change of word is so simple yet inspiring, it becomes a change that you can make throughout the year, it’s not something that you have to stick to in the first few weeks.

Give yourself a massive pat on the back, give yourself a massive hug - you’ve got this space, you’re listening to me and that’s enough for now.

My intention for this year is to take the Teen Whisperer set of programmes as far and wide as possible, to have more of you Mums listening to this podcast. build a community of like minded Mums in the same space.

Let’s make our intentions together to make 2023 the best year with you and your teen daughter based on trust and respect.

Carry on reading or listen to the podcast below…

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The community membership is a safe space where you can be yourself, tuning into what you want with your teen daughter. It’s a space where you learn how understanding what’s going on for you and your teenage daughter, helps you to put tools in place so you can help your teen daughter.

The Teen Whisperer programmes - 1:1, 1:2 The Ripple Effect and the Community Membership are all based on MY story and this is life changing, this is life affirming. I’ve gone through the work so you don’t have to, I can teach you what’s worked for me but i also have the guidance of a whole chest of other tools.

This is my intention - to take the Teen Whisperer work - as far and wide as I can. I need you MUMS to help me, I need you to come on board with me, I need you to trust me that we can build the relationship YOU want with your teen daughter together.

So what is the Community Membership?

It is a year long programme where you can dip in and dip out as much as you want.

There are set calls every two weeks, so one is on a weekday evening (currently Wednesday) and the other is on a weekend morning (currently Saturday). All calls are recorded.

One session a month will be an open mic space where you can bring whatever is troubling you with your teen daughter right now. You will be held and supported so you have the space to say what is going on for you.

The second session will be on a topic within the 4 keys and there are lots of topics within each key. The first key - YOU - is the foundation of everything - without this first key, nothing else will work and you will continue floundering. Without YOU, you cannot the build the relationship you want with your teen daughter.


It’s a space for you to connect with other like minded Mums, It’s a space for you to begin the here and now with what’s going on for your teenage daughter, it’s a space for you to find out more about how we can thrive in our relationships.

So within the community membership there are loads of insights that are literally mind blowing and empowering. Let’s build this chance to be with other Mums who think the same way as you - to parent imperfectly with more connection so you can thrive in your relationship.

Listen in for the visualisation at the end so you can actually experience and see a new way to have the relationship with your teen daughter that you have always dreamed of.

Take care

Rachel x

Let’s build a community of like minded Mums together

If you would like to find out more, check out my website

Vox me on Voxer (a walkie talkie app)

I’m on Instagram at teen.whisperer.nature

I’m also opening a slot in my diary for a Teen Whisperer 90mins Power Call where you can tell me what’s happening for your teenage daughter so click the link

If you would love to reconnect with your teen daughter and have the relationship you’ve always dreamt of, check out my programmes:

Teen Whisperer Community Space

The Ripple Effect Joint Programme with your Teen Daughter

Teen Whisperer Individual Mentoring

Teen Whisperer 90mins Power Call

Feel free to get in touch or book in a call to talk more.

I look forward to connecting with you and working with you, take care Rachel x

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