Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

What is peer orientation and how does it affect our teen daughters?

Continuing the topic from last week..about peer orientation and how being with their friends 24/7 affects how their brains 🧠 work and reacts to everyday stress. Listen more as to how peer orientation not only affects your daughter, it also affects how you feel about yourself.

I’m going to introduce you to the signs and the symptoms that your teen daughter is orientating towards her friends rather than you, and how it moves our girls out of right relationship with you and how being with their friends 24/7 increases their anxiety.

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

What happens when our teen daughters are peer orientated?

What does peer orientation mean to us as Mums of our teen daughters? How does it affect our relationship? Why not taking her behaviour towards you, helps to grow your relationship (within reason).

3 Insights into what happens to our teen daughters when they go to their friends for everything…

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

Why is my teen daughter so angry?

Why is my teenage daughter so angry?

Ever get those feelings that your teen daughter he hates you?

Everything you try just doesn’t cut it any more..and you’re feeling lost and alone..

4 Insights into what’s actually happening with your teenage daughter

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

Teen Whisperer Episode 28

ANNOUNCEMENT! In this week’s episode, I explain why I’m changing the podcast name from Stop Juggling, Start Living - a podcast for parent carers to Teen Whisperer. Listen to find out more!

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

Stop Juggling, Start Living Episode 26

In this week’s episode, I have some exciting news!!! Hands up who wants to meet with other parent carers? Come and join me on the first of our monthly meets at Honister in the heart of the Lake District to try the infinity bridge!

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

Stop Juggling, Start Living Episode 19

So how have you done this month of the new year? Have you been able to make a little more space for yourself? And if you haven’t, don’t worry. Don’t have a go at yourself, don’t feel worthless, it’s life as we know it.

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

Stop Juggling, Start Living Episode 18

This is an emotive episode telling you why I am passionate about working with teen girls and inspiring them to believe in their own self-worth and who they are. So they can feel empowered to say no when they need to.

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Podcast Rach Friedli Podcast Rach Friedli

Stop Juggling, Start Living Episode 17

It's ok to not feel like you can ‘do’ it all, we're not supposed to. It's society that makes us feel hopeless and worthless because we get told we can do it all and succeed. So if we don't manage it we feel like a failure.

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