The Ripple Effect

Are you finding it increasingly hard to talk to your daughter without some sort of comeback?

Has her behaviour escalated leaving you feeling at a loss of what to do? 

Do you feel like you have lost the connection you used to have?

Being a parent of a teenage daughter is really hard as not only are their brains constantly changing and they don’t know who they are from one day to the next, but the relationship you used to have with them has completely gone. All the normal parenting skills that worked in the past just don’t work anymore and you are left feeling frustrated and unsure as to what happens next. 

This 3-month programme helps you to reconnect so you can work in partnership with your teen daughter.

I’m not saying it works all the time but if it works 80% of your time together, it’s a win, win. It works on a subtle level by introducing you to simple self-help tools to regain control of what’s happening for both of you. The ripple effect works by you doing something that makes you feel good that also shows your teenage daughter how to be without you saying anything.

You can build lasting new connections based on respect and trust rather than discipline and punishment. Whilst you are learning what works for you, she is learning who she is and together you can build new connections and better relationships.

The Ripple Effect

£1497 in full or

£499 per month for 3 months


This 3-month joint programme with your teen daughter, helps you to reconnect so you can work together in partnership. It works on a subtle level by introducing you to simple self-help tools to regain control of what’s happening for both of you.

3 months worth of 1:1 support every 3 weeks on doxyme or voxer

  • 4 x 90 minute sessions for you

  • 4 x 45-60 minute sessions for your daughter

  • 1 x 90-minute joint session at the end of the 3 months

  • 1 x 60 minute follow up session at 6 months

  • Ongoing support via Voxer - a voice activated app

  • Follow on support with audios or tasks after each session

  • Access to library of resources

If you’d like to discuss whether this mentoring programme is suitable for you please book a free connection call or get in touch.


“Rachel has made a massive difference, not only to me but my relationship with my teen daughter.” - SW

“I am connecting to my teen daughter in ways I never thought possible…” - RF


Hi, I’m Rachel the Teen Whisperer

I’m also a Mum of a teen daughter, so I know what it feels like to be in your shoes. Like you, I struggled, like you I didn’t know what to do to make things better and like you I felt exhausted and useless at the end of the day. None of the normal strategies were helping; the control, the taking over of her life, the constant push of society, discipline or punishment. There was always an undertone in everything and neither of us felt comfortable, I found it easier to ignore her behaviour and instead we resorted to ignoring one another. Yes, you did read that correctly, that’s honestly how bad it had got.

I knew in my heart that something had to change and little did I realise, that something was ME.

This is why I do the job that I do, I want to get this message out far and wide and I understand that not everyone will appreciate what I offer and that’s ok.

Instead of focusing our parenting on controlling their lives, we need to focus on hearts over discipline, to work in partnership with them at a level they can understand.

So my message to you is this.. it is totally possible for Mums and teen daughters to be close even during the teenage years. Just knowing the four keys, having the right support around you and the right tools at your fingertips helps you to become a better Mum and them a better daughter.

What’s not to like? Feel free to book in a connection call and we can talk more..