IGNITE for teen girls

Group Programme for Schools

Unlock Your Students Inner Strength

Welcome to the Ignite Programme, a transformative journey designed for teen girls navigating today’s challenging world. Our programme helps girls move from feeling lost and overwhelmed to embracing their true selves and thriving.

The Ignite Programme encourages confidence and authenticity, providing tools for handling anxiety, anger, and overwhelm. We promote a healthy relationship with their bodies and teach safe and confident use of social media platforms.

Ignite Teen Girl’s Inner Confidence

The Ignite program for girls aged 12-16 is designed to empower them from the inside out, helping them to manage big emotions, handle reactions like a pro, and understand the changes they’re experiencing.

Before joining the Ignite Programme, many girls struggle with:

  • Feeling Overwhelmed and Insecure: Lacking a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

  • Managing Big Emotions Alone: Struggling to cope with anxiety, anger, and overwhelming feelings.

  • Negative Behaviour Patterns: Resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms due to a lack of effective strategies.

  • Confusion and Uncertainty: Not understanding the changes and challenges of their teenage years.

  • Navigating Social Media: Feeling unsure about how to interact responsibly and securely online.

By addressing these challenges head-on, the Ignite Programme provides a structured, supportive environment where girls can build confidence, manage emotions, and navigate their teenage years with clarity and resilience.

Ignite Their Journey to Empowerment

This introductory coaching program is the perfect starting point for your students to gain the skills and confidence they need to thrive. At only £99, it’s an investment in their future well-being and happiness.

Enrol now and ignite her path to confidence and resilience

Ignite: Uncover Inner Strength

Experience the transformation in your students as they develop essential skills and confidence through the Ignite program. Designed specifically for teenage girls, Ignite empowers them to build resilience, cultivate self-worth, and navigate challenges with clarity.

After completing Ignite, your students will:

Develop Healthy Self-Appreciation: Embrace their unique qualities and nurture self-esteem.

Manage Reactions Effectively: Identify triggers and apply practical coping strategies.

Engage in a Supportive Community: Participate in a safe, non-judgmental environment with peers.

Feel Connected and Supported: Build meaningful connections with peers facing similar experiences.

Enhance Body Confidence: Foster a positive body image and comfortable self-expression.

Understand Emotions: Gain insights into emotional awareness and management.

Assert Boundaries Confidently: Learn to assert themselves and make informed decisions.

Ready to Empower Your Students?

Join the Ignite programme today and empower your students to thrive with confidence and resilience.

Only £99

To register your interest fill out the form below

Helping teen girls to understand what’s happening and why, so they can thrive not just survive

Comprehensive Support for Female Students

The Ignite programme is not just about coaching; it’s about creating a holistic support system for female students. Here’s what’s included to ensure they feel supported every step of the way:

Six Safe, Welcoming Group Coaching Sessions: Led by a compassionate Coach, these sessions provide a nurturing environment for growth and connection.

Home Practice Journal Prompts and Creative Activities: Engaging prompts and activities to reinforce learning and encourage self-reflection at home.

BONUS Weekly Newsletter for Parents: Receive insights on the topic of the week and practical ways to support their daughter’s journey.

Empower Her Journey with Comprehensive Support

The Ignite programme offers a blend of structured sessions, ongoing communication, and creative home practices to help your daughter thrive. Plus, with our bonus parent newsletter, you’ll be equipped to provide the best support possible.

Enrol now and give your daughter the comprehensive support she deserves!


My daughter is really scared and doesn’t want to be on camera…

Tell her not to worry as it’ll only be me Rach and Nic my daughter on screen. She can turn her camera and audio off if that makes her feel more comfortable.

My daughter really wants to join but doesn’t do well in big groups…

Tell her it’s ok as the groups are meant to be small so there will only be a maximum of 8 girls. The idea is that everyone has a chance to speak (text) if they want to. There is no pressure for her to do anything she isn’t comfortable with.

My daughter wants me to be with her…

That’s ok, as it’s only me and my daughter on camera so we won’t be able to see you. Her comfort and safety is paramount to this work.

My daughter is interested but has been bullied at school and doesn’t want to use her actual name…

Again that’s ok, I understand as both me and Nic were bullied. When you sign up, I’ll send you both a form and she can put in the name she’d preferred to be called by. She can change her name on Crowdcast.

I would really like my daughter to join you but I can’t afford it right now..

Do not worry this programme will be rolling out throughout the year so she can join when you have the available money

I am interested in joining a programme for Mums, is there one coming?

Yes there is, just click below

Hi! We’re Rach & Nic; a Mum and Daughter Duo who are the brains behind this important work

Rach Friedli
The Wisdom behind the SHINE Programme

Nic Friedli
Big Sister & Fellow Teen Girl